Pelatihan Drone dan Sertifikasi
Remote Pilot (In House)
Level : Beginner
Deskripsi Pelatihan
Peserta akan mendapatkan materi pengetahuan aeronautika yang dibutuhkan untuk Sertifikasi Remote Pilot pada platform SIDOPI-GO. Sertifikasi ini memiliki Rating SPUKTA tipe Multirotor, sesuai dengan PM 63 Tahun 2021 / CASR Part 107.
Pengetahuan aeronautika yang dimaksud adalah:
1. Applicable Regulation,
2. Airspace Classification and Permit,
3. Weather and Its Effects Towards Drone Operation,
4. Drone Loading and Performance,
5. Emergency Situation and Procedure,
6. Crew Resource and Management,
7. Radio and Communication Procedure,
8. Aerodynamics and Drone Performance,
9. Physiological Effect, Drugs, and Alcohol,
10. Aeronautical Decision-Making & Judgment,
11. Airport Operation, dan
12. Drone Maintenance
Peserta akan dikenalkan mengenai Drone, komponen, fungsinya dan apa saja yang diperlu diperhatikan saat mengoperasikan
Peserta juga akan diajarkan bagaimana cara menerbangkan drone melalui simulator dan praktek secara langsung. Selain kompetesi peserta juga akan fokus belajar mengenai keselamatan dan keamanan penerbangan drone dengan menggunakan checklist dan dokumen pendukung.
Selain itu, peserta akan diajarkan mengenai cara menggunakan SIDOPI-GO untuk melakukan sertifikasi remote pilot dan registrasi drone. Peserta juga akan mendapatkan Tips dan Trik untuk pengajuan perizinan dalam mengoperasikan drone.
Terra Drone Indonesia adalah salah satu training center yang terafiliasi dengan DKPPU dengan nomor project UASTC-003.
Materi Pelatihan
- Manned Aircraft and Drones
- Aircraft Classification
- General Drone Application in various Industry and Business
- Drone Component
- Drone Flight Mode
- Regulation Purpose
- Regulators and Stakeholders
- PM 63 Tahun 2021
- PM 37 Tahun 2020
- Regulatory Risk Assessments
- Airspace Classification
- Controlled Airspace
- Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS)
- Uncontrolled Airspace
- Special Use Airspace (Prohibited Area & Restricted Area)
- Airspace Information and Charts
- Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
- Navigation Aids and Limitations
- Drone Permit Best Practices
- Atmosphere
- Weather Condition
- Weather Effects on the Drone
- Local Weather Assessment
- Aviation Weather Information
- Aircraft Loading
- Drone and Payload Loading and CG
- Effect of Weight towards Flight Performance
- Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency Situation
- Drone Failsafe
- General Emergency Procedure
- Drone Operation Emergency Procedure
- Drone Operation Emergency Situation
- Drone Operation Workflow
- Drone Operating Rules
- Multi Crew Cooperation
- Aviation and Drone Communication
- ICAO Standard Phrase and Terminology
- Communication Priority
- Drone Communication Best Pratices
- Forces Acting on Aircraft
- Lift and Drag Theory
- Airfoils, Angle of Attack, and Stalls
- Flight Maneuvers
- Flight Phase and Performance
- Human Limitation
- Attentiveness
- Physiological Effects
- Drugs and its Effect
- Alcohol and Its Effects
- Hazard and Risk
- Risk Assessment Matrix
- Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Determine Control (HIRADC)
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
- Situational Awareness
- Aviation Safety and Risk Management
- Operation Pitfall
- Five Dangerous Attitudes in Aviation
- Airport and Its Classification
- Air Traffic Control (ATC)
- Runway Marking and Sign
- Airport Instruments, Lights, and Wind Direction Indicators
- Airport Information Source
- Manned Aircraft Traffic Patterns
- Maintenance Program and Classification
- Drone Engineer Qualification
- Battery Care
- Drone Calibration and Testing
- Drone Packing and Handling
- Drone Record Keeping